The Pillars of Our Latex House
Opening Night at Watermans
31 May 2024
The Pillars of Our Latex House (23 March—11 April) is a project commissioned by Watermans as a pilot in the Artcast 4D project, which uses AAAseed software.
Indigenous to the Malaysian archipelago, by the 19th Century, the gutta-percha tree was known for the rubber that made underwater telegraph cables a revolutionary success.
Employing AAAseed, London artist Tendayi Vine explores the identity of the tree as a material, a symbol, an architect of communications, and a figure of tension and displacement.
This audio recording captures the first half of the show’s opening night. Participants include Watermans curator Klio Krajewska, Battleground publisher Natalie-Sarkic Todd and artist Tendayi Vine.
Recording courtesy of Watermans. All rights reserved.